Cuts to homelessness and affordable housing funding will only worsen crisis

May 10, 2024

Kayla Sherwood, 530-844-1744,

Sacramento — Following the release of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s revised 2024-25 budget proposal, League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman issued the below statement:

“The Governor’s proposal will hurt those already most vulnerable in our communities: the unhoused, those who are one paycheck, eviction, or natural disaster away from homelessness, and those struggling to find safe and affordable housing.

The decision to not invest in another round of HHAP funding poses a devastating threat to homelessness programs statewide and puts at risk the health and safety of thousands of unhoused residents. Not only does the proposal eliminate one-time funding to address homelessness, but it also ignores the growing consensus around the need for ongoing funding to address this decades-in-the-making crisis. The impact of this disinvestment in homelessness programs, while also slashing funding for affordable housing, will be felt for years to come.

When it comes to accountability, the state has work to do. A recent state auditor’s report concluded that the state must do more to assess the cost-effectiveness of its homeless programs. Cities are more than willing to show how they are investing those dollars and the progress they are making, so we can maximize the use of resources to address homelessness with the housing and services our residents need. In the meantime, the state cannot afford to go backward in its funding commitments while the needs in our communities are increasing. 

Just as local leaders are and expect to be held accountable for carrying out their responsibilities to prevent and reduce homelessness, the state must also do the same by providing resources and funding that meet the significant needs of unhoused residents in California.” 

Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a nonprofit statewide association that advocates for cities with the state and federal governments and provides education and training services to elected and appointed city officials.