The East Bay Division includes 33 cities in Alameda and Contra Costa counties and provides members with the opportunity to exchange ideas and information and share the advantages of cooperative advocacy. 


Division Cities
  • Alameda
  • Albany
  • Antioch
  • Berkeley
  • Brentwood
  • Clayton
  • Concord
  • Danville
  • Dublin
  • El Cerrito
  • Emeryville
  • Fremont
  • Hayward
  • Hercules
  • Lafayette
  • Livermore
  • Martinez
  • Moraga
  • Newark
  • Oakland
  • Oakley
  • Orinda
  • Piedmont
  • Pinole
  • Pittsburg
  • Pleasant Hill
  • Pleasanton
  • Richmond
  • San Leandro
  • San Pablo
  • San Ramon
  • Union City
  • Walnut Creek
Division Officers/ Members
The division is guided by an executive committee under the leadership of a division president. Elected city officials and professional city staff attend division meetings throughout the year to share what they are doing and advocate for their interests in Sacramento. Division members also participate in the development of Cal Cities policy through representation on: 

  • The Cal Cities Board of Directors;
  • Policy committees;
  • The Annual Conference Resolution committee; and
  • The Annual Conference Program committee. 

Division Officers

President - Vacant
First Vice President - Alex Walker-Griffin, Council Member, Hercules (serving as interim President)
Second Vice President - Raj Salwan, Council Member, Fremont 
Immediate Past President - Shanelle Scales-Preston, Council Member, Pittsburg
At-Large Member - Jen Cavenaugh, Mayor, Piedmont
At-Large Member - John Miki, Vice Mayor, Albany
At-Large Member - Holly Tillman, Council Member, Clayton
At-Large Member - Kevin Wilk, Council Member, Walnut Creek
Board Director - Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Mayor, Alameda
Division Secretary - Dawn Abrahamson, City Clerk, Vallejo


Contact Your Lawmaker
State Capitol, Room 5064
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4003
Fax: (916) 651-4903
Twitter: @billdoddca

State Capitol, Room 5108
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4007
Fax: (916) 651-4907
Twitter: @Steve_Glazer

State Capitol, Room 2059
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4009
Fax: (916) 651-4909
Twitter: @skinner4senate

State Capitol, 4085
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-4010
Fax: (916) 651-4910
Twitter: @bobwieckowskica

State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2011
Fax: (916) 319-2111
Twitter: @LoriDWilson

State Capitol, Room 4164
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2014
Fax: (916) 319-2114

State Capitol, Room 5160
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2015 Fax: (916) 319-2115
District Office: (510) 286-1400

State Capitol, Room 2130
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2016 Fax: (916) 319-2116
District Office: (925) 328-1515

State Capitol, Room 5128
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2018 Fax: (916) 319-2118
District Office: (510) 286-1670

State Capitol, Room 2163
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2020
Fax: (916) 319-2120
Twitter: @Bill_Quirk

State Capitol, Room 2170
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2025 Fax: (916) 319-2125
District Office: (408) 262-2501

Division Meetings/Events

Upcoming Division Meetings

April 25
East Bay Division Meeting
Topic: A Conversation with Attorney General Rob Bonta
Encinal Yacht Club
View the event flyer
Register here

June 27
CitiPAC Bocce Tournament 

September 26
Division Meeting
Topic: TBD

October 16-18
Annual Conference, East Bay Div. Reception
Long Beach

December 12
Division Meeting
Holiday Reception

Upcoming Events


October 16-18, 2024
Annual Conference and Expo


December 11-13, 2024
City Clerks New Law and Elections Seminar


December 11-12, 2024
Fire Chiefs Leadership Seminar

View All >

Contact Staff

Samantha Caygill
Regional Public Affairs Manager, East Bay Division
(916) 402-7258

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