Cal Cities Board adopts positions on water rights bills; vows to keep fighting for homelessness and affordable housing funding

Jul 19, 2023

Proposed changes to California’s water rights system and new leadership in the state Assembly were front and center at the League of California Cities Board of Directors meeting last week in Newport Beach. The Board also approved recommendations from the Nominating Committee for the 2023-24 Board of Directors.

Board hears updates on key water, housing, homelessness, and public safety bills

The Board voted to take a watch position on two key water bills, AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan) and AB 1337 (Wicks). Both measures faltered in the Legislature amidst fierce opposition from water utilities, agricultural interests, and business groups. Shortly before lawmakers went on recess last week, the two bills were pulled, essentially ending — for now — what would have been significant changes to the way water is allocated and regulated in the state. 

AB 460 would have increased penalties for those who steal water or exceed their allotted share during times of drought. It would have granted more authority to the State Water Resources Control Board to investigate and punish illegal diversions. AB 1337 would have given the Water Board more authority to regulate senior, pre-1914 water rights.

The Board also reviewed Cal Cities’ progress on its ambitious budget ask of $3 billion in ongoing funding to help cities address homelessness and boost the supply of affordable housing. The ask received considerable traction in the Legislature and the media, garnering the support of a bipartisan group of 30 legislators led by Asm. Sharon Quirk-Silva.  

Though this year’s budget deal only includes $1 billion in one-time funding for homelessness, the Board was bolstered by Cal Cities’ momentum and vowed to keep fighting. Cal Cities is working with lawmakers to advance important housing and homelessness bond measures and to ensure all cities get their share of funding under any new regional approaches to housing and homelessness.

In the area of public safety, the Board thanked the 400 city officials who signed a letter to lawmakers calling for more action to prevent fentanyl deaths. Thanks to Cal Cities’ sustained support, two fentanyl bills — AB 474 (Rodriguez) and AB 701 (Villapudua) — are still moving through the Legislature. The Board discussed the need for more concerted effort on Proposition 47 reform as well, in particular the need to reduce the financial impact of petty crime on small businesses.

The Board also reviewed Cal Cities’ and members’ efforts against SB 584 (Limón), a bill that would have established a 15% statewide transient occupancy tax on short-term rentals. Cal Cities had an oppose unless amended position and stopped the bill from moving forward this year. Sen. Limón committed to working with Cal Cities in the fall on amendments.

Changing Assembly leadership

The Board also discussed the transition in leadership at the Assembly. Asm. Robert Rivas took over from outgoing Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon on July 1. Former local elected officials with ties to Cal Cities were among Speaker Rivas’ first appointments.

Rivas named Asm. Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, former mayor of Winters and Cal Cities Board member, as the Speaker pro Tempore. Asm. Esmerelda Soria, former Fresno council member and Cal Cities Board member, became the chair of the powerful Assembly Agriculture Committee.

Asm. Juan Carrillo replaced Aguiar-Curry as chair of the Assembly Local Government Committee. Before serving in the Legislature, Carrillo served as a Palmdale city council member. 

Nominating Committee report for 2023-24 Board officers and at-large directors adopted

After receiving the Nominating Committee’s report, the Board approved recommendations for the 2023-24 Board of Directors:

At-Large Director, two-year term:

  • Walter Allen III, Mayor, Covina
  • Andrew Chou, Mayor, Diamond Bar
  • Britt Huff, Mayor, Rolling Hills Estates
  • Lisa Middleton, Council Member, Palm Springs
  • Ana Maria Quintana, Council Member, Bell
  • Cindy Silva, Mayor, Walnut Creek

Executive Committee:

  • Second Vice President: Gabe Quinto, Council Member, El Cerrito
  • First Vice President: Lynne Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem, Rancho Cucamonga
  • President: Dan Parra, Mayor, Fowler
  • Immediate Past President: Ali Sajjad Taj, Council Member, Artesia

The election of the Board officers and at-large directors will take place at the September Board meeting during the Cal Cities Annual Conference and Expo.

Board advances governance changes

The Board reviewed seven additional recommendations from the Governance Committee with the goal of improving communications between the Board and policy committees, as well as providing leadership opportunities for new and long-term members. The Board also agreed that a meet-and-greet for young city professionals should be offered at the annual conference in Sacramento this September. This new offering would connect and serve an expanding group of members within the organization.