Cal Cities urges the Governor to join cities and lawmakers in restoring housing and homelessness funding

Jun 13, 2024

One-time funding won’t fix our homelessness crisis — cities need ongoing funding to sustain progress

Kayla Sherwood, 530-844-1744,

Sacramento — Following the Legislature’s vote today to pass the FY 2024-25 State Budget, League of California Cities Executive Director and CEO Carolyn Coleman issued the below statement:

“Cal Cities applauds the Legislature for listening to the concerns of cities and recognizing the meaningful progress cities are making to house vulnerable Californians and connect them to vital services. Retaining in the state budget $1 billion for the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention grant program and restoring funding for vital affordable housing programs is key to sustaining our momentum in addressing the state’s homelessness and affordable housing crisis.

Cities of all sizes are investing their own dollars and leveraging state funding to connect unhoused residents with the services they desperately need and provide roofs over their heads. This restoration of state funding will enable cities to maintain services to unhoused residents at our current capacity. We know the Governor recognizes the imperative to protect our most vulnerable residents and are confident he will keep this funding in the final budget agreement.

But let’s be real. Another year of one-time funding will not magically fix our skyrocketing housing and homelessness crisis. Cities are making progress on getting our most vulnerable residents off the streets and into affordable housing. A piecemeal funding approach, combined with arduous accountability measures and added layers to the planning process, will only take us backward.

Cities are calling on the Legislature and Governor to work with local governments on a more collaborative model for addressing our housing and homelessness crisis and commit ongoing funding directly to cities for these efforts. Together, we can build upon the progress made so far and ensure a safer, healthier future for our communities.”

Established in 1898, the League of California Cities is a nonprofit statewide association that advocates for cities with the state and federal governments and provides education and training services to elected and appointed city officials.
