2024 Municipal Law Institute Symposium

February 16, 2024 8:30 AM-5:00 PM

Southwestern Law School


Co-sponsored by: League of California Cities and Southerwestern Law School

5 hours of MCLE credits offered

Securing the Roof Over Our Heads: Developing Solutions to California’s Housing Needs

This one-day educational event, scheduled for February 16, 2024, will be held in-person at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. The symposium will provide an exploration of issues facing municipal lawyers in 2024, focusing on the legal, practical, political and compassionate considerations in addressing the unhoused crisis; the history, framework, and variety of rent “control” in California; how affordable housing projects are financed and developed; and, balancing the tension between state, local and developer goals.

The purposes of the annual symposium are to:

  • Integrate the study and practice of municipal law in order to encourage and train students to work in municipal law as a profession.
  • Promote, through research and scholarly exchange, an analysis of municipal law issues.
  • Support the legislative and legal advocacy programs of the City Attorneys Department by acting as a resource to the state legislature and judiciary in the development of municipal law.

The symposium will include a keynote speaker, networking luncheon, and an informal meet & greet reception after the program, where attendees can meet members of the attorneys from the Municipal Law Institute and Attorney Development and Succession Committees, as well as attorneys who practice municipal and public law.

Register by Friday, Feb. 9th, 2024.

For more information, click here.